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Thursday 17 December 2015

Turbo Generator(TG) Specification 210 MW

Rated MVA rating MCR conditon- 247 MW
Rated KVA rating MCR conditon- 210 MW
Terminal Output Voltage- 15.75KV

Rated Current- 9050 A
Power Factor- 0.85 Lagging
Excitation Voltage- 310 V DC
Excitation Current- 2600 A
Stator Phase Connection- Star_Star
Rated Frequency- 50 Hz
Rated Speed- 3000 RPM
Cooling System- Stator_water (H2O)
Rotor_Hydrogen (H2)
Gas Pressure- 3.5 Kg/Cm
Type Of Insulation- Class B
No Of Terminal Brought Out- 9
Rotation Of Rotor- Anticlockwise(View on Slip ring end)

Over All Stator Dia- 3960 MM
Length Of Stator- 4580 MM
Weight Of Stator- 175,00 Kg

Length Of Rotor- 9770 MM
Weight Of Rotor- 42,200 KG

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Skin Effect

When a conductor carries a steady or direct current, this current is uniformly distributed over the cross-section of the conductor. However , the current distribution is non-uniform is the conductor carries alternating current . The current density is higher at the surface then it's center . It decreases with greater depths in the conductor exponentially. Thus, the current is concentrated near the surface of the conductor , as shown in the figure beside. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Due to this skin effect, the effective cross sectional area offered to the flow of current decreases which increases resistance. The increment of this resistance may be up to 30% , so the effective resistance for conductor is more for AC  than the loss when the value of DC is flowing through the conductor.   

The skin effect is predominant with the increase in the frequency . The skin depth is inversely proportional to the square root of the frequency.The frequency where the skin effect just start to limit the the effective cross sectional area of the conductor is called the crossover frequency.

                                                                                                                                        The skin effect is quite large in solid conductors , even at a frequency of 50 Hz . the skin effect depends on the following factors ----

           i. Nature of material 

          ii. Diameter of wire

         iii. Frequency of supply

        iv. Shape of wire

With the increases in diameter of wire , the skin effect increases. Similarly as frequency increases, the skin  effect increases. If we have stranded conductor rather than solid conductor diameter is less. It can be seen that when supply frequency is less than 50 Hz and conductor diameter is less than 1 cm skin effect is negligible. In large conductors at power frequencies the skin effect is a significant factor.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Tertiary Winding

This is a special type of winding used generally in star-star transformer. It it wound on the limb of the                                                                                                                                                                                Ns= 120/P                                       transformer which the primary and secondary are wound. It       Ns- synchronous speed              
      P- no. of Pole                                                is  also called stabilizing winding. It is always delta 

                                                                    connected. Its main function is to arrest the this 

     3rd  Harmonic voltage     
                                                                                                            Pc ∝ F
                                             Pc - Core Loss     ,                                       F - Frequency      


Sunday 8 November 2015

Parallel Operation Single Phase (1Φ) Transformer

Condition :-

              i) The frequency of both transformers which are in parallel must be same.

     ii) The ratio of voltage of parallel contacts transformer must be equal. Otherwise a circulating current will be flow from higher potential to lower potential. This is only limited by the independence  of those transformers if the ratio is larger different value of this current is also larger which may burnt the winding's of both transformer.

   iii) Phase sequence of parallel connected transformer must be same. Otherwise line voltage will appear across the phase winding's.

   iv) The transformer should be of same phasor group.

    v) The ratio of per phase reactance Xe and Rc  should be same both the transformer otherwise a circulating current will be flow .

Parallel Operation

Advantages :-

                             1. If two and more transformer are connected in parallel the service continuity ensure and the system become reliable.

            2. Any transformer can be switch off or depending on their load demand.

            3. If more transformer works in parallel the chance of over loading of a particular transformer reduce.

             4. The cost of stand by unit transformer is reduce.

Disadvantage :- 

             A. When one or more transformer works on parallel then chance of fault occurrence will increased.

            B. The maintenance cost become more.

            C. The space required for installing the transformer is more.

                     D. The protective device of transformer is more.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Scott Connection / T Connection :-

This is a scott connection which convert 3 phase and 2 phase & vice versa if employs two identical transformers one with centre tap primary known as main transformer and the other with primary 3/2 tap known as teaser transformer . the main transformer primary centre tap D is connected with one end of the teaser primary as shown in the figure . Now ends A, B, C, are connected to three phase ac supply and two phase four wire supply is obtained.The two phase side makes use of all the turns on teaser winding as well as all the voltage per turns of the two transformer to be equal.

Application :- 

        The voltages in the primaries of two transformer are 90 (degree) phase displaced . So voltages in there secondary voltages will also 90 (degree) displaced i.e. 3 phase supply has been converted to 2 phase.If we interchange the position the load and supply 2 phase can be converted into 3 phase.

Saturday 31 October 2015

Resistance property

Electrical resistance is also outlined because the basic property of any substance owing to that it resist the flow of current through it. Laws of Resistance :- Ohm's Law :- Ohm's law states that the present through a conductor between 2 points is directly proportional to the potential across the 2 points. Introducing the constant of proportion, the resistance, one arrives at the same old mathematical equation that describes this relationship. I = \frac,
The current through any conductor depends upon variety of electrons passes through a cross-sectional per unit time. therefore if cross section of any conductor is giant then a lot of electrons will cross it meaning a lot of current will flow through the conductor. For mounted voltage, a lot of current means that less ohmic resistance. therefore it may be all over like that resistance of any conductor is reciprocally proportional to its cross-sectional space. If the length of the conductor is inflated, the trail traveled by the electrons is additionally increased . If electrons travel long, they collide a lot of and consequently the amount of electron passing through the conductor becomes less; thence current through the conductor is reduced. In alternative word, resistance of the conductor will increase with

The resistance law state that,
Electrical resistance R of a conductor or wire is directly proportional to its length, l i.e. R ∝ l,inversely proportional to its space of cross-sectional, a i.e.Combining these 2 laws we have a tendency to get,

Where ρ (rho) is that the proportion constant and referred to as impedance or specific resistance of the fabric of the conductor or wire. currently if we have a tendency to place, l = one and a = one within the equation, We get, R = ρ. meaning resistance of a cloth of unit length having unit cross - sectional space is adequate its impedance or specific resistance. impedance of a cloth may be alliteratively outlined because the ohmic resistance between opposite faces of a unit cube of that material. thence we've seen that laws of resistance ar terribly straightforward. Unit of impedance :- The unit of impedance may be simply determined kind its equation The unit of impedance is Ω-m in MKS system and Ω-cm in cgs and one Ω-m = one hundred Ω-cm.

Create password protected folder programming

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

Monday 26 October 2015


Hi this isTapas Kumar (Post Diploma inThermal Power,New Delhi ,India). Here u can learn about whole electrical engineering by simply clicks.And you can learn more about more with me.

Faraday's Law's of Electromagnetic Induction

In the whole electrical machines works on those principle

First Law :- If there is a relative motion between conductor(coil) and magnetic field then emf                                   (voltage) will be induced in that coil or conductor.

                                            The induced emf are of two type........
                                                        i. Dynamic induced emf ( conductor is moving)
                                                        ii. Static induced emf ( conductor or coil will fixed)
Second Law :-  Magnitude of the induced emf is Directly proportional to the rate of change of flux.
                             i) According to faraday's of electromagnetic induction the induced voltage 
                           E=N dΦ/dt

Types of Loss in Power System / Energy losses

There are many types of losses in transmission line  as follow... 1. Resestive loss 2. Inductive loss 3. Radiation loss 4. Eddy curren...